25 words or less- FREE
25-49 words- $5.00
50-75 words- $10.00
75-100 words- $15.00
100 words or more- $20.00
Movies Trading Post
Soap Opera Trading Post
Magazines Trading Post
Eldon's Video List
Wanted: Classic tv shows from the 1950's & 60's especially the following: Burns and Allen, Jack Benny, Blondie, Bill Dana Show, Wendy and Me, Hey Mulligan, and other good sitcoms. Any shows from the 1950's-70's with original commercials are also needed. Also wanted, the original black and white Dragnet episodes. From the 1980's I want complete episodes of "General Hospital" from the years 1979-1987. Contact Eldon at eldon@bigred.net or rr50127@alltel.net. ***
I am looking for McLain's Law Tv series Episodes on VHS, this is a cop show with James Arness made in the early 80s. E-mail lazyace@gte.net. ***
I'm looking for video tape of TV shows, specials and pilots that were shot in the early to mid 1960's. Specifically I am looking for the NBC special FEATHERTOP, the SHUBERT ALLEY SPECIAL, the GENE KELLY SPECIAL, two pilots NBC pilot CAMPO 44 shot in 1965, but I don;t think it aired until 1967, and THE GLORIOUS FOURTH (Screen Gems Pilot) also shot in 1965. E-mail Aeaagent@aol.com. ***
I'm looking for Film footage of the "Merv Griffin Show" during the months of April, May and June of 1969. And I'm also looking for film footage of the "Johnny Carson Show" during the late 1960's and does anyone have tapings of the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystraphy Telethon from the late 1960's to mid 1970's. Please get back to me at email: Latinsoul65@hotmail.com. ***
Wanted: Archie Bunker's Place on video. E-mail Exilemain@aol.com. ***
Looking for 1975 series with Martin Milner : Swiss Family Robinson,
specifically 2 episodes "Jean La Fitte, part 1 & 2". Sol8air@aol.com ***
Wanted: "The Two Bad Eggs" airdate 14 Nov 1968. My younger twin
brothers were in that episode and our family has been looking for a copy of it for a long time. It would be a real treat if we could find it. E-mail ilusionpat@aol.com. ***
I'm looking for a 1973 show called "Chase" it ran on NBC for one year. It was produced by Jack Webb. If anyone has a tape or knows where I could get one please e-mail me at weesea@msn.com ***
I am looking for episodes of the 60's TV Series Route 66. I have
none and would like to start a collection. E-mail: Project74@webtv.net. ***
I would like to buy the episodes of the Fox TV show
"ROAR" with Heath Ledger, from mid 90's (US 8 episodes, Australia 13
episodes) Took place in 400 BC Sci Fi show from Universal.
Jennnnn5@aol.com ***
Im looking for tapes of 1950s tv sitcom So This Is Hollywood. Also
looking for Johnny Carson Variety show episodes from the 50s. E-mail: dwnstreet@webtv.net. ***
Wanted: Any episodes of "Cover-Up"? It was a CBS
show starring Jennifer O'Neal and Jon-Erik Hexum in
about 1984? E-mail gasior7@sgi.net. ***
I'm looking for a télévision series, I think the name is Cade's County with Glenn Ford. E-mail frankdub@globetrotter.net ***
I have been searching for any material from a sitcom called "Mr. Terrific" that I think was broadcast one season only in the mid-sixties. Don't know which network. Would you have anything for sale? E-mail: bill.casey@goldengatefields.com ***
Please. Does anybody have the Paper Chase TV series episodes? I will buy, swap, trade, or otherwise make some kind of deal to get my hands on them. Only for private viewing, not commercial purposes.
Thank you. Please email me at the address below. murphyj@adelphia.net
Looking for 2 tv-movies with eve plumb circa 1975-77 ,dawn portrait of a teenage runaway and alexander the other side of dawn for sale or trade, don't have much to trade except laserdisc copies of disney's song of the south or first couple of episodes of roar series(recorded in ep mode), please reply to bcraig@tickets.com. ***
I am looking for the Friday, June 2nd, 1967 television special that aired on NBC titled: "Welcome To Japan, Mr. Bond". This one hour special talked about the new James Bond film "You Only Live Twice" and has scenes from all the previous Bond films. I am
also looking for the movie shorts titled "The Movie Makers; "Swiss Movement" and "Above
It all" promoting
the James Bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service'. (about 10-15 minutes each)
plus - any commercial(s) of James Bond items or Toys, games etc.
Greg Brake via: Brake@charter.net
S . W . A . T . S . W . A . T . S . W . A . T .
Have been looking for over 20 years!!!
WHO can find this for me?????
I'm looking for episodes of S.W.A.T. (early 1970's).
Also, looking for any Alice Cooper appearances/home shot video.
Hope to hear from you.
I am a collector of the western series "The Virginian". I am short 24 episodes. If anyone out there can help me out I would be most appreciative.
conlonn@eircom.net ***
A copy of the episode of Archie Bunker's Place called Archie Alone Part I &
II that aired in November of 1980. These were the ones in which Edith dies.
Hope I didn't give anything away there! Thanks! I can be contacted at trademark36@mailexcite.com! ***
I'm looking for episodes of One Big Family which starred Danny Thomas and
Anthony Starke and the pilot of show, The Bodyguard which starred Dale
Midkiff and Jennifer Tilley. please contact me micheledea@aol.com
Wanted: episodes of *It's a Man's World* (1962-63) and
*Sweepstakes* (1979) in Beta, NTSC standard. E-mail: hopedreamer@yahoo.com. ***
Hello, I'm looking for good quality tapes of the TV series the Big Easy
which aired form 1996-1997 and also good quality copies of the short lived
TV series Roar. please e-mail me at handmaiden@terragon.com
Wanted: VHS copy of the episode of the Carol Burnett show featuring Robin
Williams. My Mom has looked for over a year, and it would be incredible if
I could find it before her birthday. Will pay money order/Paypal/immortal
soul/whatever. E-mail reply@mwoodard.com. ***
Have: Many classic tv comedies, dramas, adventure, soap operas, more from the 1950's-present. See my complete list that is included with this site. I will record in either VHS or DVD. E-mail eldon@bigred.net. ***
DVD Transfer Service: I now have a new business called "DVD Transfer Service, Inc." We will transfer your favorite VHS videos to high quality DVD for a very reasonable rate. Our rate is $40.00 per transfer. Our January special is $35.00 includes a transfer and DVD face label. So if you want to see what your favorite videos will look like on DVD, send us a e-mail. E-mail us at dvdtransferinc@hotmail.com or eldon@bigred.net. More information can be seen on our website at dvdtransferinc.tripod.com.
2000-2002 Copyright Eldon Russell
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell